Briefing Note for DCWW’s Surface Water Management Strategy Please click on the following link to view the Briefing Note from 2007 – 2010. A revised up-dated version is currently being agreed with DCWW, should be available early 2012. – Briefing Note surface water
Up-Date on DCWW’s Surface Water Management Strategy
Up-Date on DCWW’s Surface Water Management Strategy What have we done so far? Welsh Water have begun a step change in our approach to the prevention of sewer flooding and pollution. Our Strategy has set out the practical implications of surface water reduction in the sewerage system, looking at alternative forms of management and exploring […]
North Wales SuDS Forum
December 5, 2011
North Wales Sustainable Drainage FORUM The North Wales Forum was launched in September 2005 with support from local authorities (Wrexham, Denbighshire, Conwy, Gwynedd, Flintshire, Isle of Anglesey and Powys), Environment Agency Wales, Welsh Government, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water and the Home Builders Federation. Our aim is to provide stakeholders with the opportunity to discuss […]
Rainwater Harvesting in Wales
Rainwater harvesting in Wales – Ty Cambria case study New rain gauge increases efficiency Why use rainwater harvesting ? Harvested rainwater can be used, in place of drinking water, to flush toilets. It also reduces pressure on combined sewers and can help prevent localised flooding and pollution when implemented at a larger scale. How efficient […]
Environment Agency – Position Statement on Rainwater Harvesting
July 19, 2011
The Environment Agency have published a postion statement on rainwater harvesting. This covers a range of issues including the potential reduction in mains water use, flood risk management benefits, overall sustainability, greenhouse gas emissions and the applicability of systems to different areas and uses. It contains useful references and picks out the salient points you need […]
SuDS and the Water Framework Directive
January 14, 2011
SUDS and the Water Framework Directive 100111